““Malicious labels”, “unfounded allegations”, “fake news”: the Chinese ambassador to Switzerland criticizes the Federal Council’s China strategy. How are his words to be classified?
So it was generally expected: that the Chinese would not just let this sit on them. But the circumstances in which they spoke up turned out to be unusual. The Chinese ambassador to Switzerland, Wang Shihting, spoke aggressively and on all channels about Switzerland’s new China strategy.”
Read the full article @ Aargauer Zeitung:

Reaktion – Schweizer China-Strategie sorgt für Empörung in Peking: Warum die Grossmacht jetzt auf Angriff schaltet | Aargauer Zeitung
«Böswillige Labels», «unbegründete Anschuldigungen», «Fake News»: Der chinesische Botschafter in der Schweiz kritisiert die China-Strategie des Bundesrats. Wie sind seine Worte einzuordnen?