Lianhua Qingwen effective in inhibiting coronavirus replication | CIIC

“Latest research shows that Traditional Chinese Medicine drug Lianhua Qingwen can significantly inhibit the replication of the novel coronavirus in cells infected with the virus, Beijing News reported. The results showed that it can significantly inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in Vero E6 cells and reduce inflammatory factors such as TNF-α, IL-6, CCL2 / MCP-1 and CXCL-10 / IP-10. In general, it could significantly inhibit the replication of the new coronavirus and counter inflammation. The results of the study, co-authored by well-known Chinese epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan and researcher Yang Zifeng from Guangzhou Medical University’s State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases, have been published on Pharmacological Research.”

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