China National Chemical Corp oder ChemChina hat im Rahmen einer Umstrukturierung seines Agrargeschäfts vor dem Börsengang laut Angaben von fünf mit der Situation vertrauten Personen von staatlich finanzierten chinesischen Investoren Finanzierungsmittel in Höhe von bis zu 10 Mrd. USD beantragt. Die Reorganisation umfasst den Schweizer Giganten Syngenta.
China National Chemical Corp, or ChemChina, has approached Chinese state-backed investors for up to $10 billion in funding as part of a reorganisation of its agrichemicals business ahead of a public float, according to five people familiar with the situation. The reorganisation includes Swiss giant Syngenta.
“Takeovers by Chinese private companies are less in the public eye: Since 2002, private companies have been allowed to make cross-border takeovers. Of the 498 M&A deals by Chinese companies worldwide in 2015, three quarters were made by private companies. Between 2010 and 2017, the share of private companies in China’s gross domestic product rose from around 20 percent to 60 percent. Four fifths of all workers in China are now employed in the private sector.
In Switzerland, more than three quarters of 80 companies with Chinese owners in 2017 came from the private sector. The acquisitions include traditional companies such as the machine manufacturer Saurer, the knitting machine manufacturer Steiger, the drinking bottle manufacturer Sigg, the shoe manufacturer Bally and the design team of the facade manufacturer Schmidlin.”
Acquired company (founding year)
Product, Industry
Chinese investor (founding year)
Year of the acquisition
Sigg Switzerland Bottles, Frauenfeld (1908)
manufacturer of thermos bottles
Haers (1996)
Steiger, Vionnaz (1949)
textile machinery
Ningbo Cixing (1988)
Designteam Schmidlin, Basel (1936)
facade engineering
Yuanda (1993)
Source: Juan Wu, University of Freiburg (2019)
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