Swiss China strategy causes outrage in Beijing: Why the great power is now switching to attack | Aargauer Zeitung

““Malicious labels”, “unfounded allegations”, “fake news”: the Chinese ambassador to Switzerland criticizes the Federal Council’s China strategy. How are his words to be classified?
So it was generally expected: that the Chinese would not just let this sit on them. But the circumstances in which they spoke up turned out to be unusual. The Chinese ambassador to Switzerland, Wang Shihting, spoke aggressively and on all channels about Switzerland’s new China strategy.”

Read the full article @ Aargauer Zeitung:

China Strategy 2021-2024 – A balanced, coherent and coordinated approach to China | Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

“China has developed rapidly in recent decades. Relations between Switzerland and China are becoming closer all the time, but this also means that differing values are coming to light more frequently and more clearly than before. The number of actors in Switzerland who maintain contact with China is also rising. In light of this, the Federal Council adopted a new strategy for China at its meeting on 19 March. The strategy was drafted in a process that involved all government departments.”

Read the full statement @ FDFA:

Brochure – China Strategy 2021-2024 (FDFA)