EU Ambassador to China: “Chinese Virus” is a meaningless blaming game | Phoenix News

“Italy, Spain, Germany, France … In the spring of 2020, the new coronavirus is rampant in Europe. Many readers feel that medical development is as developed as in Europe, and it is difficult to escape. They also recognize that the European epidemic prevention thinking is different from China.

So as the world’s most integrated regional organization, what work does the EU do in the fight against the epidemic? What kind of cooperation exists between China and the United States? What is the attitude towards the controversy about the source of the virus and the closure of the city? 2020 is a year of China-EU cooperation. Will the China-EU summit consultations continue under the epidemic? Where does the bilateral agreement go? How to cooperate in the post-epidemic era?

On April 3, 2020, Phoenix Network ’s Interview with Diplomats took these questions and talked to the European Union Ambassador to China Mr. Nicolas Chapuis.”

Read and watch the full interview (in English, English subtitles) and article @ Phoenix News:

Interview | «Investitionskontrollen wären ein Schildbürgerstreich» | NZZ

“Stefan Brupbacher ist seit Januar 2019 CEO des Schweizer Verbandes der Maschinen-, Elektro- und Metallindustrie (Swissmem). Im Gastbeitrag plädiert der Jurist und Ökonom für Offenheit gegenüber chinesischen Investoren. Hiesige Firmen, so Brupbachers Fazit, profitierten von Eigentümern aus China.”

Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel @ NZZ:

Interview | “Investment controls would be a foolish act” | NZZ

“Stefan Brupbacher has been CEO of the Swiss Association of the Mechanical, Electrical and Metal Industries (Swissmem) since January 2019. In this guest contribution, the lawyer and economist advocates openness to Chinese investors. Local companies, according to Brupbacher’s conclusion, would benefit from owners from China.

Read the full article @ NZZ:

Interview | «Unsere leise Diplomatie macht uns sympathisch» | NZZ

Felix Sutter, Präsident der Wirtschaftskammer Schweiz-China, über die Herausforderungen für Schweizer Firmen in China, die Diskussion um eine «Lex China» und das spezielle Verhältnis der Schweizer zu den Chinesen.

@ NZZ (Deutsch) | 7. Januar 2020