Who is going to slay Mammut? These potential buyers are campaigning for the outdoor label | Handelszeitung

Mammut should cost around 400 million Francs. The buyers are probably not from Switzerland, but from China or the USA.

@ Handelszeitung | December 11, 2019

First indications: will Mammut be sold to China? | Aargauer Zeitung

The conzzeta conglomerate wants to sell the traditional Mammut brand. Most likely abroad – maybe to China. There are signs that indicate this.

@ Aargauer Zeitung | December 9, 2019

First indications: will Mammut be sold to China? | Aargauer Zeitung

The Conzzeta conglomerate wants to sell the traditional Mammut brand. Most likely abroad – maybe to China. There are signs that indicate this.

@ Aargauer Zeitung | December 9, 2019