Tag: S-GE
Zurich | Country Consulting – China | S-GE
Would you like to analyze your market in China, search for sales partners, set up a branch, benefit from the free trade agreement with China, expand and / or optimize your existing China business or generally receive information about China?
Fact Sheet | How to export pork to China | S-GE
As China enters a new phase of its economic development, its demand for higher-valued products like meat and dairy products is growing rapidly. In particular, China’s pork imports surge, driven by rising domestic demand and prices. The Chinese market is providing big potential to interested Swiss meat producers. However, to export meat to China requires an export license.
Updated Regulations on Cross-Border E-Commerce Retail Imports | S-GE
In 2018, China announced a series of new regulations which are designed to improve the regulatory framework of Cross Border E-Commerce (hereafter CBEC) retail imports and promote the development of this sector. These regulations with effectiveness on 1st of January 2019 have clarified the general supervisory principle for CBEC retail imports, expanded the qualified CBEC retail import system, adjusted tax policies and enhanced the CBEC import supervision system.
@ S-GE | August 26, 2019
China’s New Foreign Investment Law | S-GE
On the 15th of March 2019, the National People’s Congress of China (NPC) adopted the new Foreign Investment Law (FIL). Effective on the 1st of January 2020, the new law will replace the three primary laws regulating foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) in China: the law on Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures (EJVs), the law on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises (WFOEs), and the law on Sino-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures (CJVs) (collectively the “Three FIE Laws”) with a transit period of 5 years.
@ S-GE | August 15, 2019
The Drone Market is Booming in China – Opportunities for Swiss Start-ups and SMEs | S-GE
In recent years, the drone industry, in China also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) industry, has expanded rapidly with an intensive use of UAVs in different sectors. This provides various concrete business opportunities for Swiss drone companies, which offer very attractive high-tech solutions. Learn here, how you can benefit from these opportunities and participate at the Swiss Innovation Week 2019: Home of Drones in Beijing.
@ S-GE | March 28, 2019
Ces dernières années, l’industrie chinoise des drones (ou UAV pour «unmanned aerial vehicle») s’est rapidement développée du fait de l’utilisation intensive des UAV pour toutes sortes d’applications. Des opportunités commerciales concrètes s’ouvrent ainsi aux fabricants suisses de drones proposant des solutions de haute technologie très attrayantes. Découvrez ici comment profiter de ces opportunités et participer à la Swiss Innovation Week 2019: Home of Drones à Pékin.
@ S-GE | March 28, 2019
In den vergangenen Jahren hat die Drohnen-Branche, die in China auch als UAV-Branche (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/unbemannte Luftfahrzeuge) bekannt ist, mit der intensiven Nutzung von Drohnen in verschiedensten Sektoren stark expandiert. Das eröffnet verschiedene konkrete Geschäftsmöglichkeiten für Schweizer Unternehmen im Bereich Drohnen, die sehr attraktive Hightech-Lösungen anbieten. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie von diesen Möglichkeiten profitieren und an der “Swiss Innovation Week 2019: Home of Drones” in Peking teilnehmen können.
@ S-GE | March 28, 2019