Ticino is overcoming the crisis thanks to the Blockchain | CdT

“Michele Ficara Manganelli, President of the newborn Swiss Blockchain Consortium, explains how research can benefit from the technology used by cryptocurrencies.”

Read the full article @ CdT:

Il farmaco Roche testato in Ticino | RSI News

“COVID-19: è quello usato solitamente per curare l’artrite reumatoide; in Cina ha dato buoni risultati – L’intervista ad Alessandro Ceschi, direttore dell’istituto di scienze farmacologiche presso l’EOC.”

The Roche drug tested in Ticino | RSI News

“COVID-19: the one usually used to treat rheumatoid arthritis; in China has given good results – The interview with Alessandro Ceschi, director of the institute of pharmacological sciences at the EOC.”

Read the full article @ RSI News:

“The people of Ticino seem to “self-confine themselves” by avoiding setting foot in Lombardy – Even in Ponte Chiasso or Ponte Tresa – “Swiss customers are probably afraid, but it doesn’t make much sense since the frontier workers enter anyway in” – But also in Chiasso people are not going out.”