Clinically validated pathology-based AI prediction of ACE2 expression as a predictive biomarker of COVID-19 mortality | Demiurge Technologies

“As the world’s first AI-biopharma company that has discovered and publicized the precise aetiology and pathology of COVID-19, we are committed to the non-profit dissemination of our COVID-19 discoveries and the public validation of our COVID-19 clinical predictions.”

Read the full article @ Demiurge Technologies:

China suspends entry by foreign nationals holding Chinese visas, residence permits | State Council of the People’s Republic of China

“China announced temporary suspension of entry by foreign nationals holding valid Chinese visas or residence permits on the night of March 26.
In view of the rapid spread of COVID-19 across the world, China has decided to temporarily suspend the entry into China by foreign nationals holding visas or residence permits still valid to the time of this announcement, effective from 0:00 am, March 28, 2020, said a statement jointly released by Chinese Foreign Ministry and the National Immigration Administration.”

Read the full article @ State Council of the People’s Republic of China:

Interview | «Investitionskontrollen wären ein Schildbürgerstreich» | NZZ

“Stefan Brupbacher ist seit Januar 2019 CEO des Schweizer Verbandes der Maschinen-, Elektro- und Metallindustrie (Swissmem). Im Gastbeitrag plädiert der Jurist und Ökonom für Offenheit gegenüber chinesischen Investoren. Hiesige Firmen, so Brupbachers Fazit, profitierten von Eigentümern aus China.”

Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel @ NZZ:

Interview | “Investment controls would be a foolish act” | NZZ

“Stefan Brupbacher has been CEO of the Swiss Association of the Mechanical, Electrical and Metal Industries (Swissmem) since January 2019. In this guest contribution, the lawyer and economist advocates openness to Chinese investors. Local companies, according to Brupbacher’s conclusion, would benefit from owners from China.

Read the full article @ NZZ:

The Roche drug tested in Ticino | RSI News

“COVID-19: the one usually used to treat rheumatoid arthritis; in China has given good results – The interview with Alessandro Ceschi, director of the institute of pharmacological sciences at the EOC.”

Read the full article @ RSI News:

Demiurge AI discovers the complete aetiology of COVID-19 and the Optimal Treatment Strategy for COVID-19 |

“Demiurge is responding to the global outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) through the appropriate use of our AI platform that can make accurate drug discoveries for diseases with limited available clinical data.”

Read the full article @

China’s Huawei flies under the radar in Switzerland with industrial 5G networks for dairy farmers | SCMP

“A quiet Huawei Technologies-led 5G revolution is unfolding at the heart of Europe – in the bucolic Swiss hamlet of Taenikon. Far from President Donald Trump’s campaign to stop the world from using the Chinese company’s technology, cows in this northern Swiss village – with its whitewashed cottages and manicured fields – wear Huawei’s 5G-connected neck-straps instead of traditional flat bells.”

Read the full article @ SCMP:

Chinese economic disruption hits Swiss supply chains | SWI

“China’s sharp contraction in economic activity over the past month due to the coronavirus epidemic is sending shockwaves across the globe. Switzerland is one of the top ten countries exposed to Chinese supply disruptions, a United Nations report reveals.”

Read the full article @ Swissinfo:

La frontiera ai tempi del coronavirus | Corriere del Ticino

I ticinesi sembrano «autoconfinarsi» evitando di mettere piede in Lombardia – Perfino a Ponte Chiasso o a Ponte Tresa – «I clienti svizzeri hanno probabilmente paura, ma non ha molto senso visto che da loro entrano i frontalieri» – Ma anche a Chiasso la gente in giro è poca.

@ Corriere del Ticino | 4 marzo 2020

“The people of Ticino seem to “self-confine themselves” by avoiding setting foot in Lombardy – Even in Ponte Chiasso or Ponte Tresa – “Swiss customers are probably afraid, but it doesn’t make much sense since the frontier workers enter anyway in” – But also in Chiasso people are not going out.”

For the Chinese Ambassador in Switzerland, the worst has passed | Corriere del Ticino

“Tourism is not concerned about the growing number of deaths caused by the coronavirus epidemic: “The virus is sensitive to temperature: when it gets warmer it becomes weaker.””

China’s M&A activity will rebound in second half as some dealmakers press on despite coronavirus restrictions, says PwC | SCMP

“While deals are seen dropping sharply in the first half, some private equity buyers are still negotiating with sellers despite travel restrictions, cities in lockdown.
China’s total M&A deal value fell 14 per cent in 2019 to US$559 billion, the lowest in five years, driven primarily by a sharp 37 per cent drop in outbound transactions, according to data released by PwC on Thursday.

Swiss nationals in China feel lost in coronavirus outbreak | SWI

A group of some 50 Swiss nationals in China have sent a letter to the Swiss government complaining that they feel forgotten by Swiss authorities during the Covid-19 outbreak.

@ SWI | February 19, 2020

Schweizer Unternehmen ObsEva will nach Versuchsrückschlag von Schwangerschaftsmedikament China Neustart wagen | Reuters

ObsEva hat einen Abkommen mit Chinas Yuyuan BioScience Technology geschlossen, um das Fruchtbarkeitsmedikament Nolasiban zu entwickeln und zu vermarkten.

@ Reuters | 13. Januar 2020

Switzerland’s Obseva eyes China re-start for fertility drug that failed trial | Reuters

ObsEva struck a pact with China’s Yuyuan BioScience Technology to develop and commercialize the fertility drug nolasiban, the Swiss drugmaker said on Monday as it seeks to inject new life into a medicine that had flopped a trial.

@ Reuters | January 13, 2020

Interview | “Our quiet diplomacy makes us personable” | NZZ

Felix Sutter, President of the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, on the challenges for Swiss companies in China, the discussion about a “Lex China” and the special relationship between the Swiss and the Chinese.

@ NZZ (German) | January 7, 2020